

Introduction To


Ø  It is a word that indicates a person, place, thing, action, quality or feeling.


Kinds of Noun.

Ø    Concrete noun.

Ø    Abstract noun.

Ø    Countable and Uncountable Noun.



Concrete Noun.

Ø  It is one that names a concrete object, i.e., a person, place, thing, material, a collection of things or persons, etc.

v  The horse is a faithful animal.

v  Ornaments are made of gold.

v  Our team must win the shield.

v  Delhi is an ancient town.


ü There are four types of Concrete noun.

ü They are given below:

®                    Proper nouns

®                    Common Nouns

®                    Collective nouns

®                    Material nouns


o Proper noun.

*    It is the name given to a particular person, place or thing.

·     Example:

Ø      We live in India.

Ø      The Ramayana is a great epic.

Ø      The Geeta is a holy book,

Ø      Ashoka was a great king.


o Common noun.

*    It is the name given to all things or persons of the same kind, class or category.

·     Example:

Ø      Boys play cricket.

Ø      The Cow is grazing in the field.

Ø      Teacher teaches in a school.

Ø      Doctor cures his patient.


o Collective noun.

*    It is the name given to a group of similar things, persons or places.

·     Example:

Ø Our team plays well.

Ø She presented him a bouquet of flowers.

Ø The army marched ahead.

Ø The audience enjoyed the concert.


o Material noun.

*    It is the name used for a thing (non-living) like material substance or ingredient for making something.

·     Example:

Ø Tea is made of milk, sugar and water.

Ø Put a pinch of salt in my soup.

Ø Buildings are made of bricks.

Ø This ornament is made of gold.



Abstract nouns.

Ø  It is the name of an abstract thing, action, quality, felling, state, art, etc.

v  We must do a good deed daily.

v  Happiness comes from true prayer.

v  Music soothes a worried mind.

v  Slavery is a great curse.


Formation of Abstract Nouns.

ü Abstract nouns can be formed in three ways:


Ø    Form common nouns.

Ø    From verbs.

Ø    From adjectives.


o From common nouns.









o From verbs.














o From adjectives.














|    Note: Some verbs are used as abstract nouns in their original form.






Countable & uncountable nouns.

o Countable noun.

*    Countable nouns are nouns that can be quantified or counted with a number.

·     Learn the following countable nouns:

Ø      Names of persons, animals, plants, insects and their parts. For example: boy, kitten, rose, ear, spider, etc.

Ø      Objects with definite shape. For example: building, balloon, house, etc.

Ø      Units of measurement. For example: gram, pound, millilitre, etc.

Ø      Words of classification. For example: family, state, language, phrase, etc.

Ø      Abstract nouns. For example: hindrance, scheme, idea, etc.

|    remember:

§  Countable nouns can be quantified by a number.

§  They have singular and plural forms.

§  A, an or one can be used before a countable noun.

§  Words like several, many or a few can also be used before countable nouns.

o uncountable noun.

*    Uncountable nouns are the names of things that cannot be counted. They can only be used in singular form. For example: smoke, water, fog salt, coffee, etc.

·     Learn the following uncountable nouns:

Ø      Materials (in their raw form), food, metals and natural qualities. For example: bread, cotton, wood, lightness, adolescence, etc.

Ø      Names of liquids, gases and substances that are made of many small particles. For example: oil, smoke, oxygen, rice, salt, sugar, cement, etc.

Ø      Names of languages. For example: English, Spanish, French, Sanskrit, Chinese, etc.

|    remember:

§  a number, such as, four, one, three etc. cannot be used to quantify an uncountable noun.

§  Uncountable nouns have only singular form.

§  A or an cannot be used before them.

§  Words like a little, some, less or much can be used before them.

§  They are quantified by a word that signifies an amount.

§  To measure or classify uncountable nouns, of is used after a measurement. For examples: A kilo of rice, a bar of chocolate, a bag of sugar, an ounce of courage, etc.

§  Abstract nouns and material nouns are generally uncountables. For example:

Pride, health, bravery, courage, etc.  (Abstract nouns)

Silver, clay, wood, cotton, etc.          (Material nouns)

§  Some proper nouns like the name of particular person or place, being the only one of their kind, are not countable. For examples: Delhi, Maninder, America, India, etc.

|    Note: Some nouns are used both as countable and uncountable nouns. For example:

The crowed threw stones at the police.

Countable noun

This statue is made of stone.

Uncountable noun





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