Traffic Congestion.



Hi, I am a member of RPR Group Channel in YouTube.

Today I am writing an Article on Traffic Congestion.

( By RPR Team )

In modern life we have to face many problems one of which is traffic congestion becoming more serious day after day. It is said that the increasing number of vehicles, the inadequate infrastructure and the irrational distribution of the development are main reasons for increasing traffic jam.  With an overwhelming increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, the massive traffic jams have become inevitable. The major cause leading to traffic congestion is the high number of vehicle which are caused by the population and the development of economy. The traffic jam means more pollution and wastage of non-renewable fossil fuels. You will be shocked to know that almost petrol and diesel worth Rs. 100 crore is wasted everyday due to traffic jam. The inadequate infrastructure that cannot handle the issue of traffic is also a crucial reason. The public transports such as bus, subway or trains are not available and even if they are available in some cities, they are overcrowded or delayed. Their quality is very bad, this forces people to take up personal transports leading to heavy traffic jams. To solve this problem, the government should encourage people to use public transport or vehicles with small size such as bicycles or introduce tax on private vehicles. Also, carpools must be encouraged to save fuel. Also, the traffic authorities should take stringent steps against the violators of the traffic rules.

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